Crystal Craig is a professional lifestyle and portrait photographer based out of Port Townsend, Washington. She has over 20 years experience including fire investigation, general stock, youth sports, landscape, travel, headshots, environmental portraits and lifestyle photography. Her work can be found in publications all over the world, including books, pamphlets, trade show banners, websites and more.
In addition to commercial photography services, Crystal creates beautiful one-of-a-kind greeting cards and prints using her original photographs and digital fine art techniques. Click here for more.
“The best photographs are not taken … they are given.”
- Giles Duley
I love when my clients want to jump in mud puddles, dance barefoot in the sea, or hang out over their swimming pool dangling from the end of a crane boom! I’m psyched when I get an invitation text in the middle of the day saying “We’ll be down at the boat haven in 15 minutes, the winds are picking up!” I’m truly humbled as I browse through 20 years’ worth of archived images and reflect on the incredible interactions that have defined my life to this very moment.
Photography is my language. It’s how I think, feel, create and remember.
Please feel free to send me an email if you have a project you’d like to discuss! Crystal.Craig@msn.com